Higher Primate Behavior
One of the most obvious and important similarities between apes and human is that both engage in social behavior.
One reason for this is the extended period of infant dependent among primates, which promotes learning and other kinds of social behavior.
Another factor is the diet of primates.
Studies have shown that cooperation and movement in group is required when the food supply is scattered, as is the case with the diet of tree dwelling primates.
This is especially true for hunting, and in fact we find cooperative hunting parties not only among primates but also among other predatory animals such as wolves or lions.
Higher Primate Behavior
One of the most obvious and important similarities between apes and human is that both engage in social behavior.
One reason for this is the extended period of infant dependent among primates, which promotes learning and other kinds of social behavior.
Another factor is the diet of primates.
Studies have shown that cooperation and movement in group is required when the food supply is scattered, as is the case with the diet of tree dwelling primates.
This is especially true for hunting, and in fact we find cooperative hunting parties not only among primates but also among other predatory animals such as wolves or lions.
Higher Primate Behavior