It is worth to point out that anthropology , as distinct from all other social sciences is an integrated approach.
It is includes the study of the physical nature of the human species, our past, unique capabilities as well as our limitations, and the tremendous variety and startling similarities among different cultures.
The anthropological approach is sometimes described as holistic because it integrates so many different area of concern.
It is not just the study of economic behavior or the structural relations between social groups.
It tries to understand all human behavior in all contexts, in all places and at all times.
And it does this by drawing from many different disciplines as well as from the four subfields of anthropology.
The anthropologist brings to his or her study a wide background.
Biology and physiology required for graduate students in physical anthropology; geology, geography, ancient history and sometimes even architecture are needed by the archeologists; and cultural anthropologist have come from all walks of life.
To study peasant society cross culturally we have to now something about agriculture ; to study personality cross culturally he must have a background in psychology; and so on for every possible area of study within cultural anthropology.
The trademark of Anthropology: Holism
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