Communication and language of animal
Earth’s earliest organisms evolved primitive mechanisms of exchange capable of informing of species, gender and intent.
This convenience occurred through what was then nature’s most sophisticated medium: chemo-communication.
Continuous need over millions of year to contact another of the same evolving species in order to procreate necessitated ever more complex methods of communication.
Out of this evolutionary process ‘language’ in its broadest sense was born.
Each type of language used in native differs. The deeper one probes, the more one discovers each species’ communicative ability distinguished by ever more elaborate definitions of the concept ‘language’.
In its simplest definition, language signifies ‘medium of information exchange’. The definition allows the concept of language to encompass facial expressions, gestures, posture, whistles, hand signs, writing, mathematical language, programming (or computer) language and so forth.
The definition also accommodates the ants’ chemical ‘language’ and the honey bees’ dance ‘language’.
The definition further recognized the many bioacoustics exchanges of information (the sound emissions of life forms) that occur in frequencies beyond human hearing.
For example, an average 25 year old human can hear only about ten octaves at the loudness and closeness of normal conversation – that is, between 30 and 18 000 hertz.
Birds, frogs, toads, and dogs all vocalize within this range. However, most other creatures appear to communicate both below and above the range humans consider ‘normal’.
Infrasound comprise emissions below 30 hertz such as many sounds made by finback whales, blue whales, elephants, crocodilian, oceans waves, volcanoes, earthquakes and severe weather.
Ultrasound occurs above 28 000 hertz, frequencies, commonly used by insects, bats, dolphins and shrews.
There is far more to language than vocal communication alone, however. In its most universal meaning, language is the nexus of the animate word, its limit drawn only by humankind’s crayon.
Communication and language of animal
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