Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Stonehenge a Mystical Place

Stonehenge, a Neolithic stone structure that rises majestically out of the Salisbury Plain in England, has fascinated humans for centuries.

It is believed that Stonehenge was erected over several centuries beginning in about 2180 BC. Its purpose is still mystery, although theories abound.

At the summer solstice, the rising sun appears behind one of the main stones, giving the illusion that the sun is balancing on the stone.

This has led to the early theory that Stonehenge was a temple. Another theory first suggested in the middle of twentieth century, is that Stonehenge could have been used as an astronomical calendar, marking lunar and solar alignments.

Yet a third theory is that Stonehenge was used to predict eclipses.

The latest research now shows that Stonehenge was invented for and used as a cemetery.

Human remains, from about 3000 BC until 2500 BC when the first large stones were raised have been found.

Regardless of why it was built, there is a mystical quality about the place that defies explanation.
Stonehenge a Mystical Place

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