For Karl Marx in 1844, the way to overcome capitalist alienation was to establish ‘communism’. According to Marx, the communist political program of economic planning, workers’ control, expressive individuals, egalitarianism, etc. is a product of a maturing capitalist society.
In communism the political, social and economic systems of the country is governed by a single party without formal opposition, owns all property, controls the production and distribution of goods and services and to a great extent, control the social and cultural life of the people.
Karl Marx believed that under communism the future society would live more freely than ever before.
For him, communism is the positive transcendence of private property, as Human self-estrangement, and therefore as the real appropriation of the human essence by and for man; communism therefore the complete return of man to himself as a social being – a return become conscious and accomplished within the entire wealth of previous development.
Communism – definition